Who (l. to r.): Co-founders Clark Evans and Jeff Nixon with media director Tracy Arrington
What Full-service advertising and content company
Where Austin, Texas

Austin has its fair share of digitally savvy agencies. Blackboard, founded in 2009 by former GSD&M execs Clark Evans and Jeff Nixon, is a 14-person shop that brings big-agency results to brands like Tillamook, Dell and Pabst. "We like to think we're the biggest small agency in America," said co-founder and owner Nixon. A few years ago, for Pabst, the shop created a colorful, out-of-home campaign based on an online contest asking beer fans to draw pictures using the brand's logo—and it's still running today. Currently, Blackboard is working on a new content program for lighting manufacturer Sylvania after winning social, creative and media-buying responsibilities last year. "Our leaders have been transforming large brands on a global scale for decades—we're able to bring that same experience to our clients today, but in a much more intimate, focused and collaborative environment," said Nixon.

This story first appeared in the March 7 issue of Adweek magazine. Click here to subscribe.