Ever wonder what it'd be like if your head turned into a taco, wobbling on your neck as pigeons pecked away at the shell?
No? You're not alone.
But for the few who have that fantasy, Snapchat's Cinco de Mayo face lens sponsored by Taco Bell today might be up your alley. And for those who plan to get sauced tonight, Taco Bell's got you covered with a packet of Diablo that promises to "turn up the heat."
The Yum! Brands franchise joins Starbucks, Hollister and Wendy's as yet another company finding creative ways to draw in a younger crowd on the social app, which gets as many as 10 billion video views a day. Last month, Starbucks bought a star-filled lens to promote its loyalty program, while Hollister bought a geofilter in 2015 to get U.S. high schoolers interested in the fashion brand.
But even while brands spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to playfully get in front of Snapchat's more than 100 million users, consumers don't always bite. In fact, many accused the Los Angeles-based app of creating a black-face filter last month when it launched a Bob Marley lens for the April 20 "Weed Day."
Taco Bell's effort probably isn't the kind of photo you're going to screen shot for an avatar selfie, but it's sure to make you not want to be reincarnated as a chalupa. (Or worse: a Quesalupa.)