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Ben & Jerry's Scoops Up Euphoria on Instagram


iScreen, uScreen. Ben & Jerry's is rallying its 127,000 Instagram followers and inviting them to upload images representing "euphoria"—because that's the feeling you get from Ben & Jerry's ice cream—by using the #captureeuphoria tag. There's a "Capture Euphoria" gallery immortalizing shots of kids with messy ice-cream faces, wedding snaps and pet photos. (There are more dogs than cats, because, let's face it, cats are more sucky than euphoric.) About 20 of the images will be used in local ads via creative agency Silver + Partners (formerly Amalgamated), placed in print, billboards and various outdoor venues by Haworth Marketing + Media. For this particular exercise in user engagement, "local" is defined as each photographer's general vicinity. The client provided a clip of "Megan," as she discovers her work gracing the back cover of the Boston Phoenix. Check out her reaction at the 33-second mark. She doesn't look all that "euphoric" to me. It's more an embarrassed "Get that camera out of my face!" expression. What's wrong, Megan? You've got your 15 minutes of fame and a sweet ice-cream treat. You've livin' the AmeriCone Dream!

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