Life is sweet and golden on the outside with a creamy middle, baby! Would-be summer interns at Campbell Mithun might want to ponder such points, because the Minneapolis agency is asking hopefuls to submit recommendations for "taking the iconic Twinkies brand into the future" as part of their application. I'm not sure the spongey cakes need much help in that department, since they don't biodegrade and will probably be viable centuries hence to nourish cockroaches as they dance on mankind's bones. Applicants are instructed to write a "Dear new owners of Twinkies" letter to share their ideas for reviving the brand. (I'm guessing those who recommend using "big data"—for, you know, whatever—are shoo-ins for the job.) Hostess, the long-struggling corporate parent of Twinkies, is in the midst of liquidating assets, and an auction to determine the snack brand's new owner is set for next Wednesday, March 13. Campbell Mithun created the "Where's the cream filling?" tagline for Twinkies 20 years ago, when agencies seeking to fill internships generally just hired their clients' kids.