Michael Ian Black is not the most interesting man in the world, but he might be the most interesting beer endorser. Last Friday, the comedian, who has 2 million Twitter followers, posted a tweet to a Dos Equis app—which seemed somewhat out of character for him. And indeed, when called on it, he freely admitted that he's been paid for the tweet. Black took a fair amount of heat for being a shill, but responded to the haters frankly, and often humorously. He also got support from some fans, including model Chrissy Tiegen. The best part? He got his revenge on the haters in the best way possible—for Dos Equis, at least. "Because the blowback on it has been so unexpectedly harsh, I'm going to tweet it again for free," he wrote, and then did just that. See below for some highlights from the saga. Via Business Insider.
I just turned myself into a Most Interesting Person with the new @dosequis Legend of You app. Check it out on.fb.me/166xmC6
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 10, 2013
@planetoffinks No, they wrote it and paid me thousands of dollars to run it.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 11, 2013
@planetoffinks I dunno. I just like money.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 11, 2013
@planetoffinks Hopefully the salaries they didn't get went towards paying me.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 11, 2013
Enjoy your Dos Equis, my friend. RT @interpolantics1: @michaelianblack @dosequis wish you had died on 9/11, fucking douche.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 11, 2013
@brianlynch @dosequis It's a terrific beer drink from Canada!
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 12, 2013
@brianlynch @dosequis I literally have NO idea.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 12, 2013
@chrissyteigen No shit. I'm certainly happy to do it. BTW, is there anything you need promoted?
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 11, 2013
Yes @dosequis payed me to tweet. But because the blowback on it has been so unexpectedly harsh, I'm going to tweet it again for free.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 12, 2013
I just turned myself into a Most Interesting Person with the new @dosequis Legend of You app. Check it out on.fb.me/166xmC6
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) May 12, 2013