For a company no one actually likes, people sure are interested in McDonald's food. This interest often takes shape as vulgar curiosity and conjecture about specific menu items. I still remember thinking its burgers were made from vat-grown mutant cows with no bones or central nervous system, for instance.
I say this because McDonald's is finally capitalizing on the myths surrounding its Big Mac secret sauce by selling bottles of it for the first time. Creatively titled "Big Mac Special Sauce," which sounds more interesting than "1000 Island Dressing Variant," the legendary burger enhancer will be sold in a limited run of 200 bottles.
As with all bewilderingly valuable things, the first bottle is being sold on eBay in Australia, with proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Bidding started at 99 cents Australia but is now up to $23,000—or almost U.S. $18,000. (And no, you can't pay with lovin'. There is hope for the impecunious, though, as some McDonald's locations in Australia will reportedly be selling tiny tubs of the stuff for just 50 cents this month.)
It's an interesting move. People have been replicating the sauce themselves for decades, so there's clearly a market for it. And the campaign will surely succeed when measured in not-entirely-genuine Facebook posts about it.
It would be funnier and more interesting if it were Jack in the Box doing it, though.
Via Design Taxi.