Heineken is out with its latest ad featuring a worldly man. And boy, is he worldly.
In "The Voyage," created by Wieden + Kennedy in Amsterdam, our hero is a traveler. He arrives in India, and is right at home. He sketches likenesses of cabbies. He has a pet goat with a mind of its own. He takes wise men on psychedelic trips to outer space. He is a precision golfer. He befriends elephants, who help him in his quest to recover said renegade goat—and of course, the bottles of Heinekens in its saddlebag.
The character follows in the footsteps of other heroes from Heineken's "Open Your World" campaign, like the dapper, worldly gentlemen in "The Entrance" and "The Date." He is less afraid of foreign women and their clingy boyfriends than the jet-setter in "Déjà Vu"—or maybe he's just more preoccupied with finding his goat.
He is, according to Heineken, a "Man of the World." That's not quite Dos Equis's "Most Interesting Man in the World." But at least he's owned by the same parent company.
Like all of Heineken's recent work, the ad is fun to watch—a real visual treat. And the strategy at least is proven—everyone knows worldly men don't always drink beer, but when they do, they prefer Dos Equis. Or Heineken.
Client: Heineken
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy, Amsterdam
Director: Nick Ray Rutter
DOP: Ben Fordesman
Production Company: Sonny London